Thursday, April 21, 2016

SNES Harvest Moon Time Hack v1.1

This, too, had an issue that I found while screwing around.

Without the +1 hour on map change, it's now possible to enter the north forest map at 6 AM, where previously it was not.  At 6 AM, this map has no palette and appears solid black.

Now, instead of removing the hour increment code entirely, I jump to a new subroutine that will only increment it if it's currently 06.

22 00 80 BC   JSL BC8000

at 1E0000:
AF 1C 1F 7F   LDA $7F1F1C
C9 06         CMP #06
D0 06         BNE [end]
A9 07         LDA #07
8F 1C 1F 7F   STA $7F1F1C

6B            RTL

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!
    It would be great to see you submitting your hacks to .
    There even was a question about something similar. It was about disabling Harvest Moons 3 years play limit.(
