Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ancient Cave De-Randomizer v1.2

New options:
- Scale up or down enemy difficulty
- Scale up or down the jelly's HP
- Use the same sprite for all enemies to hide which type they are (currently this is a fixed sprite, i may randomize later or base it on the difficulty setting)
- More cores, no cores, or ONLY cores appear as enemies.
- Better or worse items from normal chests
- Include items not normally dropped by normal chests (like Gades Blade)
- Randomly include or exclude gear found in chests from the cave
- An option to not perform the derandomization that makes the caves have a fixed structure (only apply the other options)
- Randomize tilesets/music
- Decrease bottom floor, with an option to scale everything up such that the new bottom floor is floor98-like.
- Gift mode always enabled or not always enabled
- Adjust starting exp level of characters when entering ancient cave (normally 1)

Download here


  1. Silentsigil here. Made a 3 floor dungeon starting at charlevel 99. Left the Jelly HP bar alone.

    The floors have a Deadly Rod, Sky Sword and Myth Blade in the chests, so theoretically it'd be possible to kill it in it's 9975/10025 hp state.

    The Deadly Rod didn't have a Curse status on it, and had no IP attached. I don't think there's an uncursed Deadly Rod in the normal game's files, so this might be a bug.

    The jelly also had about 500 HP. I could one shot it with a level 99 dekar's bare hands on a high roll. Since I left the Jelly HP at the 'normal' position, I don't know why this is. Maybe something to do with level scaling, since it only went to 3 floors?

    1. Downloaded 1.3.1

      One question; what category do rings/shields fall in to?

    2. 1.3.1 'more cores' on, red quality far right, anything checked.

      Manual distribution 100/100/150/50/50/10

      Bottom floor 15, clvl 30

      seed 4ADA9C3889CC897F

      Some change appears to have put 'dummy' items back in the game, such as something called a 'Zap Charm'. This item claimes to use Thunder in combat, but is unusable and unequippable.

      The 'Anything' box claims to get rid of the most useless items, but Aprons, small knives, the poison spell and a few other pointless items are still around.

      This seed is chock to the gills with dangerous Ninja encounters.Unavoidable.

      Found Flash twice on one floor. A rare, but possible outcome in the normal cave. In my experience, once you find a spell it is removed from the possible drop pool for the rest of the floors (but you can still get a duplicate *on the floor you're on)

      Got a Deadly Sword, uncursed, from a box. No IP attack, doesn't have (I think?) the proper ATP for the 'lame' version uncursed (it's got 0 atp). Dekar can equip this one. Doesn't appear to have any instakill capability.

      I found an Old Shield, Round Shield, and a pair of Gold Gloves (the last from floor 14), so you can find shields past floor 10 using this. Yay?

      Misc items seem a little wonky. Are Boomerangs in the 'consumable' section? I found a dispraportionately large number of boomerangs, 3 miracles, 1 regain, 8 x-potions, 1 high potion, 3 potions, 3 ex-magics, and 1 ice ball.

      Didn't get to open everything. A floor 15 jelly has at least over 1k HP. Couldn't kill it since the ninja gauntlet, two monster parties, and a bunch of dragons killed everyone but Dekar.

    3. last note: it will be important to know what category of consumables curselifters fall into.


      this has some item codes in it. Not sure what's up with the weird uncursed deadlies.

    5. 1. The Jelly HP is automatically scaled down by the number of floors you pick if you have "Enemies scale to new bottom floor" checked. This combined with you making everyone 99 is likely what made the jelly so easy.

      2. I'll have to check this out and see which flag on item data sorts it into each category. The item categories aren't something I manage - the game has default probabilities defined for how often each of these things appears, I just named them and change the probability values.

      3. In my table of "which items are more/less useful" I may have accidentally brought in a couple dummy items. I can set Zap Charm's desirability rating to zero so it doesn't pop up anymore, but if you find any more like this they'd be nice to know - it's been years since I've actually played through Lufia 2, so my knowledge of its items is pretty rusty.

      3.1. Along similar lines to the previous comment, I wasn't sure which deadlies were which, so for the time being I have them all enabled. It would seem that for each deadly item, there are two items in order, and using the curselifter on the item just adds 1 to its ID. Knowing this, I can have it make "only cursed deadlies" or "only uncursed deadlies" show up. It's possible that getting the uncursed deadlies straight out of the box is just broken and you have to use the curselifter to carry its stats over or something.

      4. Same answer as #2, will need to test this. Once I find out how it categorizes each thing, I can document it in the tool somewhere.

      5. I used that combined with another datamined file [ ] that is basically a table of flags for each item. A few bits in that are probably relevant to which category it falls under. One of the first bytes is whether or not it can appear in AC at all (which I tweak with a couple of my settings) and iirc also whether it's a "blue box" item.
