This one is a little more involved than some of my other recent hacks, since some new code had to be added.
To be used with Illusion of Gaia (U) [!].smc. Not tested with other versions.
$82/80B6 AD 60 06 LDA $0660 [$81:0660] A:0000 X:0000 Y:006C P:envmxdIZC
$82/80B9 29 00 0F AND #$0F00 A:0000 X:0000 Y:006C P:envmxdIZC
$82/80BC 8D 5E 06 STA $065E [$81:065E] A:0000 X:0000 Y:006C P:envmxdIZC
This code masks the directions off of the controller input value (which was earlier pulled from its mapped location of $4218) corresponding to the directional values and stores it off. This isn't terribly relevant to this modification except I've chosen this point to inject a bit of new code since this is something that runs as part of the character control code.
That code has been replaced by a jump to a new subroutine:
22 00 00 E0 JSL E0:0000
EA EA nothing
With the new subroutine added at the end of the ROM to handle X being pressed while direction keys are also held:
29 00 0F AND 0F00 (replaced code)
8D 5E 06 STA 065E (replaced code)
AD 18 42 LDA 4218 read controller inputs
29 40 00 AND #0040 and with X mask
F0 40 BEQ to [end]
AD 60 06 LDA 0660 .. 0100 for right held, 0200 for left, 0400 for down, 0800 for up
29 00 01 AND #0100 and with right mask
F0 08 BEQ to [leftcheck]
A9 03 00 LDA #0003
8D B2 09 STA 09B2
80 30 BRA to [end]
AD 60 06 LDA 0660 .. 0100 for right held, 0200 for left, 0400 for down, 0800 for up
29 00 02 AND #0200 and with left mask
F0 08 BEQ to [downcheck]
8D B2 09 STA 09B2
80 20 BRA to [end]
AD 60 06 LDA 0660 .. 0100 for right held, 0200 for left, 0400 for down, 0800 for up
29 00 04 AND #0400 and with down mask
F0 08 BEQ to [upcheck]
A9 03 00 LDA #0003
8D B4 09 STA 09B4
80 10 BRA to [end]
AD 60 06 LDA 0660 .. 0100 for right held, 0200 for left, 0400 for down, 0800 for up
29 00 08 AND #0800 and with up mask
F0 08 BEQ to [end]
8D B4 09 STA 09B4
EA EA BRA to [end] (this one is not really needed, we're already here.. keep these here for easy sizing)
AD 60 06 LDA 0660
29 00 0C AND #0C00 either vertical direction held? no? zero out the 09B4
D0 06 BNE [hcheck]
A9 00 00 LDA #0000
8D B4 09 STA 09B4
AD 60 06 LDA 0660
29 00 03 AND #0300 either horizontal direction held? no? zero out the 09B2
D0 06 BNE [end2]
A9 00 00 LDA #0000
8D B2 09 STA 09B2
In short, what this bit of new code is doing is the following:
If "x" is held
If "right" is held
Set Will's horizontal running velocity to 3
If "left" is held
Set Will's horizontal running velocity to -3
If "down" is held
Set Will's vertical running velocity to 3
If "up" is held
Set Will's vertical running velocity to -3
If neither "up" nor "down" are held
Set Will's vertical running velocity to 0
If neither "left" nor "right" are held
Set Will's horizontal running velocity to 0
Return from subroutine
Note that setting the running velocity ($7E09B2, $7E09B4) to non-zero automatically triggers the game to use the running animation and move Will in whichever direction. Setting it to zero stops Will's run. All this code is doing is triggering that existing code in a different way.
This has not been tested with the full game yet! There may be places where it breaks. Particularly, spots where Will is forced in a certain direction still need to be tested. Feel free to report issues here and they will be fixed.
This has not been tested with the full game yet! There may be places where it breaks. Particularly, spots where Will is forced in a certain direction still need to be tested. Feel free to report issues here and they will be fixed.
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